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Goosebumps Cryotherapy

Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80918

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Contact Information

Company Name
Goosebumps Cryotherapy
Phone Number
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2320 Vickers Dr
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80918
United States

Company Details

Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: 10:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00am – 4:00pm

About Goosebumps Cryotherapy

About Goosebumps

Here at Goosebumps Cryotherapy, our mission is to provide clients with the best technology in cryotherapy emphasizing professional, courteous and efficient client-centered services. Our commitment to unwavering client satisfaction utilizing BALANCED holistic healthy healing. Our pledge: Provide VALUED cryotherapy services with SINCERITY, dignity and reliability for specific client needs, desires and/or outcomes.

Why We Started Goosebumps

We are three women who have felt or have seen the benefits of this fantastic technology. We believe in holistic and non-prescription methods of pain relief and reduction of inflammation. We are driven to assist in the healing process for as many people as possible. Our intention is to provide the best services and become the leading cryotherapy company in the Rocky Mountain region.

We are a company that is dedicated to the principals of sincerity, balance, and value.  We believe that being sincere and honest with ourselves and customers will create an environment of trust and confidence.  We believe that our lives are enriched with balance. Balancing our day to day lives by including positive, holistic means of taking care of ourselves.  We believe that each and every person has value.  Everyone that walks through our doors will experience a personalized plan specific to their needs.

Here at Goosebumps, we want our community to see what Cryotherapy can do for themselves.