Welcome to Chill Space! We are New York's leading spa and wellness center. Our founder, Chiropractor, Applied Kinesiologist, and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Josh Kantor combines the most cutting-edge spa technologies in a soothing environment where every guest can relax, heal and rejuvenate. We want to invite you to try all of our services. We offer a variety of gift cards, package deals, and discounts.
Using our infrared sauna once a week facilitates stress management. Routine cryotherapy sessions reduce swelling, relieve pain, and promotes healing. Smooth fine lines and improve skin quality with our safe and easy cryofacials. Our soundproof private float rooms are truly one of the quietest places in Manhattan! Our health and wellness spa was created with the idea of using the best that science and technology has to offer in order to help you improve your general health and feel better.
Dr. Josh Kantor, Chill Space Fou
Dr. Josh Kantor, founder, and owner of Chill Space is a NYC Holistic Chiropractor, Applied Kinesiologist, and Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Dr. Kantor created Chill Space based on his passion to heal, proactively prevent severe and chronic illness, and improve the overall health and wellness of his clients with natural remedies. Learn more about us.
Please call us at (212) 661-3400 or use our form submission on our contact us page. Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to seeing you at the spa!