Seattle's #1 Provider of Whole Body Cryotherapy
That illusive inner glow, the quality that tells the world we are looking and feeling our very best. In today's busy world we need all the tools to help us operate at our peak potential.
Cryotherapy boosts collagen production resulting in tighter skin and increased elasticity. It also helps restore micro-circulation close to the surface which can even out skin tone, improve conditions like psoriasis, rosacia, and sun damage. Because the process also evens out hormonal levels it can assist in resolving problems like acne and blemishes with multiple treatments.
In chilling the body and triggering the internal blood cycle, cryotherapy sends the body into a healing stress cycle. This stress calls up the body's reserves in the form of fat stores and begins burning between 600-800 extra calories in the hours after a session. With repeated exposure the body also begins replacing typical white fat with a healthier more bio-available brown fat commonly found in athletes.
Professional athletes have been turning to cryotherapy for almost a decade now to improve performance and speed post game recovery. Now you can too .
Cryotherapy assists peak performance in several ways. By conditioning the cardiovacular system it can improve endurance and strength training. It also modifies hormonal responses to stress, body temperature regulation and stabilizes lysosomal enzymes. It's ability to reduce sports anaemia/haemolysis and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 means less DOMS as well..
Cryotherapy reduces lactic acid build up and improves the muscles capacity to regenerate. In general it can turn a 72 hour post game recovery time into 24. It also increases anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 so swelling and brusing of soft tissues is further reduced. In fact it is even used in post surgical recovery for many of the same reasons.
Many of our clients enjoy the sense of clarity and wellbeing the body's natural endorphin release after cryo provides. Others are using it as a complementary therapy for more serious conditions and pain management.
Cryotherapy originated in Japan as a pain management option for rheumatoid arthritisin 1978. Since then numerous studies have documented its effectiveness when used as adjuvant therapy in accordance with the protocols used in Eastern Europe for both RA and fibromyalgia. While there is still no cure for RA, cryotherapy is a valuable tool for reducing the pain involved and slowing the progression of the disease. Experience and studies also indicate it can facilitate a reduction in drug consumption (dose sparing), and effects of a course of sessions can last from three to six months.
Systemic disorders often manifest through a particular route by which they are diagnosed (RA in joints, Bekhterev’s disease in the spine, multiple sclerosis in the CNS, psoriasis in skin, and Crohn's in the gut) Prof Reinhard Fricke was the first to point out the possibilities of influencing these disorders of the immune system by using whole body cold applications. With his studies on the whole body cold effect on rheumatoid arthritis and Bekhterev’s disease he was able to demonstrate the (modulating) effect of therapy on the behavior of T-lymphocytes and some cytokines and in so doing identify the targets of whole body cryotherapy with autoimmune diseases.