My husband and I moved to Tucson from Houston, Texas in 2014. At the time, I was a stay at home wife. I was dealing with some pretty significant pain, and the physical toll of the move only made it worse. I had an MRI and found out that I had a huge herniated disc in my L4 L5 region. I was told that surgery had a significant risk of exacerbating the problem rather than solving it. I did not want to start taking pain pills, because I had previously worked in Orthopedics, and saw first-hand what long term opioid use could do to the patients.
I decided to go back to getting regular adjustments by a chiropractor, but was only able to get a small amount of relief. I visited the Mayo Clinic but was told that there wasn’t anything they could do for me. I did not want to give up. I tried everything I could to try to find some relief. I tried injections every other week, I tried acupuncture, I tried yoga. Everything helped for a while, but nothing was able to give me relief long term.
My husband, who follows professional sports closely, mentioned that he wished I could try something called cryotherapy that he had heard the athletes mention as a way of bouncing back from pain and soreness. I did not understand what it was, but I was willing to try anything that would help with the pain. At that time however, there was not a Cryotherapy business in Tucson or Phoenix.
A couple of years later, I was on Facebook and saw that a new cryotherapy place was opening in Tucson, and was taking reservations. I made an appointment, and waited for my day. I was hooked the first time I tried it. I got some relief the first time, and was told that I needed to try it for at least 3 times a week for the first 2 weeks, so that is what I did. After 2 weeks I could walk like a normal person again, and for longer periods of time. My chiropractor was amazed at the difference it made in my posture and muscular stiffness.
One day I was complaining to my husband about the drive to the cryotherapy business, and he asked me, half-jokingly, why I didn’t just open my own Cryospa on our side of town, so I did
I just wanted to help other people in pain to have a better quality of life. I have the best job in the world!